What is Seismic Isolation?About JSSI
Guide of Society Prospectus


Greeting from JSSI President


The Japan Society of Seismic Isolation was established in 1993 with the primary aim of promoting seismic isolation, thereby contributing to the construction of safer and higher quality buildings, resulting in a more prosperous society.

  • Promotion of investigations and researches on seismic isolation for buildings
  • Disseminating the proper usage of seismic isolation and improve seismic isolation technology
  • Exchanging information about seismic isolation in partnership‚ with organizations of other countries
  • Contribution to the development and improvement of reliable seismic-resistant technology based on standards for safe and quality buildings
  • Contribution to safe living environments and advance the interests of the society
Organization Chart

JSSI Organization Chart

Members in JSSI

Full members :
87 Full members

Academics :
223 Professors and researchers from universities and research institutes in Japan.

Associate members :
112 Associate members


27 directors and 3auditors

President is selected by directors, and executive director is as well.
Directors and auditors are selected by the steering committee of JSSI.
Thirteen directors are from academics, six directors from construction companies, three from design firms and three from manufacturers.
One auditor is from academics, one from design firms and one from manufacturers.

Map of JSSI

Map of JSSI

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